Question: What is the Indian Muslim population of the UK?

The graphics above rely on the 2001 census Source: Department of Communities and Local Government, (April 2009), The Indian Muslim Community in England.
For the latest information and details on exactly which ethnicity is distributed in the whole of the UK please consult the study available on the Mosques in Britain website.
Question: What is the Indian Muslim population of India?
Answer: According to PEW research, the Muslim population of India is around 195 million out of a total of 1.34 Billion citizens, making these Muslims the largest minority group in the world. Currently (January 2020) the world population is approximately 7.9 billion and world Muslim population is estimated to be 1.8 billion.
Question: What is the Facebook population of India?
Answer: As of January 2020 there are between 247-269 Million users of Facebook in India and this represents 19% of the online population. This is only 18.4% of its entire population. India’s users on Facebook are growing the fastest in the world. India has the largest, as of October 2019, number of users on Facebook followed by USA and Indonesia.