Maulana Mahmood Madani

Maulana Mahmood Madani attends Eid dinner organised by IMF UK

Over 300 people attended the Indian Muslim Federation Eid dinner organised by its Newham branch on 19th of September 2018.  The event showcased the work of this United Nations recognised NGO, which included a video presentation of its recent aid mission in the Rohingya refugee camps situated on the Bangladesh/Burmese border, where it distributed aid to the value of £115,000 including the building of scores of shelters.  The highlight of the event was the keynote address by the special guest and former Rajya Sabha (Upper House, Indian Parliament) member, Maulana Mahmood Madani, General Secretary of Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind.  Maulana Mahmood stressed the importance of taking pride in being Indian Muslims. He also took questions from the floor in a Q&A session.  The evening culminated in speeches by executive members and the Chair and President of the IMF stressing the importance of nurturing young talent in the Indian Muslim diaspora and encouraging them to take part in civic society especially in the political field.

Rohingya Refugees in Bangladesh helped by Abdullah Aid and Indian Muslim Federation UK

On the 17th October 2017 we organised a special fundraising dinner in aid of the Rohingya Refugees in Bangladesh. A night for the Rohingya was attended by over 700 people from all over East London and the UK in partnership with Abdullah Aid.

IMF meets with HCI to discuss Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar

A delegation from the Indian Muslim Federation (UK) met with the Indian High Commission in London, 26th September 2017, and presented a letter for the Minister of External Affairs, Srimati Sushma Swaraj. The letter highlighted the serious concern amongst Indian nationals in the UK at the plight of the Rohingya community in Burma/Myanmar. More specifically, they highlighted the serious human rights abuses taking place in Burma by its military and on-going attacks against the Rohingya, which the United Nations recently termed, ” a textbook example of ethnic cleansing”.

The delegation also requested the Indian Government to extend all efforts to assist the Rohingya and to accommodate refugees fleeing persecution. They expressed their hope that the Indian government would undertake its ongoing commitment to the Universal Declaration of human Rights and the Refugee Convention, by assisting the Rohingya and calling on the Burmese/Myanmar government to cease all operations and bring the perpetrators to justice.